FIGURES UNSEEN by Steve Rasnic Tem

Today you can at last pre-order FIGURES UNSEEN, the new retrospective of Steve Rasnic Tem’s fiction, published by Valancourt Books. A sort-of sampler, pulling the best stories from his various collections, this volume gives a great overview as to why Steve’s work has been and continues to remain so vital, and I was absolutely thrilled to be asked to pen its introduction. I go on at length about Steve’s work in my piece for the book, so I won’t go too deeply into it here, other than to say that in many ways both his work as an author, and his career as an author, were what I’ve held up as my goals when I started my own writing. If I could be half as talented and respected, I’d consider this writing lark a worthwhile endeavour. It’s also important to note that Tem’s work in mixing genres has been textbook “weird fiction” since long before the term gained its recent popularity. I strongly urge readers to not miss this volume.